oil on canvas
Wild mustangs - Sand Wash Basin, CO
The wild horses of the Sand Wash Basin have people who watch over them, use hormone darts to help control population numbers, and fight for the rights of the horses when needed. Our wild horses are in danger due to conflict with ranchers over grazing lands. We are made to believe their numbers are too great and round-ups, which are very stressful and dangerous, are the only solution. Compromise needs to be found as these noble animals deserve to live free and are a symbol of the American West.
These young stallions were practicing their skills to prepare them for when they have a harem to defend. All of the mustangs on the Sand Wash Basin in Colorado get named by those who watch over them. These are "Watson" and "Cayenne".
The framed original oil painting on canvas is AVAILABLE!
Please inquire if you are interested in print options.